The Disability Services Office empowers students with medical, physical, psychological, and temporary disabilities to achieve their educational, career, and personal goals.
Contact Us:
Maloney Hall, Suite 448
Phone: 617-552-3470
Registration Directions
The Disability Services Office serves students with medical, physical, or psychological disabilities. Students with learning disabilities and/or ADHD should register with the Connors Family Learning Center.
The Disability Services Office will notify students of any approved accommodations five to ten business days after all three registration steps have been completed.
To Register with the Disability Services Office:
1. Complete the registration form below.
2. Upload the medical documentation to registration form.
3. Schedule an intake appointment using the DSO online scheduling calendar.
Filling out the form and uploading your documentation will be the initial steps toward completing the disability services registration process.
Please note: All housing accomadation requests for incoming first year students are due by June 1st.
For questions email:
The documentation serves as the foundation for legitimizing the request for a reasonable accommodation. Please see documentation guidelines below that correspond to the nature of your disability. Your treatment provider will need to write a letter that includes the information outlined in these guidelines.
Disability Services Student Handbook
Guidelines for medical and physical conditions and chronic illnesses
Guidelines for mental health disorders
Guidelines for traumatic brain injuries
Guidelines for medically restricted diet
Documentation must be on letterhead from diagnosing physician or primary care physician's office.
Legal Rights
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that:
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance . . .
Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibit the discriminatory assignment of disabled students to segregated classes or facilities. These laws apply to elementary and secondary as well as postsecondary schools. In elementary and secondary schools, disabled students may be assigned to separate facilities or courses of special education only when this placement is necessary to provide equal educational opportunity to them. Any separate facilities, and the services provided in separate facilities must be comparable to other facilities and services.
To determine what the educational needs of a disabled student may be, schools must carry out preliminary evaluation and placement procedures.
Grievance Policy
Should students not be able to receive adequate services as defined through their documentation, they have the right to seek assistance through the Student Grievance Procedure for Students with Disabilities.
Temporary Impairments
Temporary impairments are not listed as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); however, every attempt is made to provide support and assistance to students who experience a temporary disability. Accommodations may include the use of a laptop, extended time on exams, use of the Eagle Escort van service, or having swipe card access to the Government Documents Room in order to bypass the O'Neill Library stairs next to 21 Campanella Way.
Building Accessibility
Alumni Stadium: Direct access to Alumni Stadium can be gained at Gates D & E North, and Gate F South via a ramp. There are four elevators in each corner of the stadium that access all levels of the stadium designated for accessible seating
Burns/Bapst Library: The accessible entrance is located on the west side of the building facing College Road. This door is controlled by library staff and security. Access can only be gained by a key card issued by the Office of Student Development or by intercom (during normal library operating hours).
Campion: Has three accessible entrances. At the main entrance on the east side of the building across from McGuinn Hall, an accessible ramp into the Campus School at the main gate directly opposite the guard shack on the south side, an accessible entrance is also located on the north side across from the service building.
Carney Hall: Has two accessible entrances. An accessible ramp is located adjacent to the Beacon Street bus stop on the south side. A second accessible entrance is located at the basement level directly across from McGuinn Hall on the east side.
Conte Forum: Accessible entrances to Conte Forum can be found at both the North and South Main entrances. The south student athlete’s entrance leads directly to a ramp and elevator that accesses all levels of the building. The north entrance has a lift that allows access the concourse level.
Devlin Hall: The main accessible entrance is in the front, north side of the building facing the quad. A second accessible entrance is located on the south side with exclusive access to a lecture hall.
Fulton Hall: Has two accessible entrances. At the main entrance facing the Academic Quad on the north side, and on the south side facing McGuinn Hall.
Gasson Hall: Gasson Hall has four accessible entrances. Two accessible entrances are located opposite the Academic Quad on the south side of the building, two additional accessible entrances were recently added via a split accessible ramp at the eagle statue on the north side of the building off Linden Lane.
Higgins Hall: The main entrance across from the statue of St. Ignatius is accessible. There is also an accessible entrance on the first floor behind the parking lot to the right of the loading dock, which is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Lyons Hall: The accessible entrance is on the south side of the building, basement level, adjacent to Stokes Hall North.
McElroy Commons: The accessible entrance is located on the south side of the building adjacent to Beacon Street.
McGuinn Hall: Has two accessible entrances. One is located in the front of the building’s east side to the left of the main entrance accessed by a ramped walkway into lecture hall 121 lobby. The second is located in the rear of the building’s east side, directly across from Carney Hall.
Merkert: Has two accessible entrances. One is located at main entrance on the north side facing Conte Forum and the second is located at the upper plaza entrance facing Campion Hall.
O'Neill Library: Access to O’Neill Library main level 3 is from the east plaza side, access to the first level is opposite Maloney Hall and to the right, follow signs to access elevator to other levels.
Stokes Hall: All of the building’s entrances are accessible. One entrance on the west side of the building is equipped with auto door operators, and is located off of the accessible parking area directly across from McElroy Hall.
Dining Hall Accessibility and Transportation Information
Dining Hall Accessibility
Accessible entrances to University Dining Facilities:
Carney's, McElroy 3rd floor: Accessible from the first floor lobby elevator
Eagle's Nest, McElroy 2nd floor: Accessible from the first floor lobby elevator
Faculty Dining Room, McElroy 3rd floor: Accessible from the first floor lobby elevator
Hillside Café, Maloney Hall, 1st floor: Accessible from the front entrance
Lower Campus Dining Hall, Corcoran Commons, 1st floor: Accessible from the front entrance
Lyons basement ("The Rat," Welch Dining Hall): Accessible from the basement entrance
The University runs two shuttle routes: one around campus and to Cleveland Circle, and the other to the Newton Campus where freshman residential halls, the Law School, and various athletic fields are located. Shuttle buses are wheelchair accessible.
Eagle Escort Van Service (Boston College Police Department)
Students must first contact Health Services in Cushing Hall (617-552-3225) or the Disability Services Office in Maloney Hall 448 (617-552-3470) and ask to be added to the medical transport list for Eagle Escort. After this step has been completed, students should contact Eagle Escort through the Boston College Police Department to request transport. Students with mobility impairments can be picked up and dropped off on Middle Campus once a day and are permitted to go to Health Services between classes rather than returning to the residence hall if they need to rest or take a break between classes.
Parking Permits
Students with a documented disability may apply for a parking permit The application must be completed by both the student as well as an appropriate medical professional, and should be returned to the DSO for evaluation. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed. Students must also fill out the online registration form.
How do I request a disability-related housing accommodation?
Requesting a housing accommodation is a three step process as outlined below:
- Complete the Disability Services Registration Form online
- Submit documentation (either attach it with your online registration, or email/fax it to the Disability Services email Please review Documentation requirements on our website
- Make an initial registration meeting with Disability Services staff.
What housing accommodations are available based on a disability?
- Rooms with semi-private bathrooms
- Strobe lights in the bedroom
- Dorm with an elevator
- Room on the first floor
- Rooms with air conditioning
Is there a deadline by which I need to submit a housing accommodation request?
Yes, the housing accommodation request deadline is the first Friday in February for returning students and June 1st for incoming freshmen.
What happens if I miss the deadline? Can I still submit a request?
You can still submit a request; however, we cannot guarantee that we can meet your needs even if we feel your request is medically necessary. It will depend on what housing options are still available after your request has been reviewed.
Can I choose the residence hall that I want to live in if approved for an accommodation?
No, if you are approved for an accommodation, you will be placed in a location that has a room that meets the approved accommodation.
If I'm approved for an accommodation and receive a specific placement, can I bring my friends with me?
You would be permitted to bring one other person with you to your housing assignment.
Can I live with students of a different class year if I have a housing accommodation?
No, you must live with students from your same class year.
If I had an accommodation last year, do I need to reapply?
Yes, Residential Life will need to know if you would like your same accommodation so they can place you accordingly.
Do all buildings have elevators?
Most of the buildings do, but some do not. We can also provide a room on the first floor as an accommodation.
If I have AD(H)D or a learning disability, where can I find a quiet place to study?
There are many spaces available at O’Neill Library and other academic and administrative buildings throughout campus.
Can I request a specific type of housing (eg. 8 person suite) as an accommodation?
No, students can request housing accommodations that are medically necessary only.
If I receive housing accommodations, do I still need to complete the housing application?
Yes, Residential Life needs to know that you wish to live on campus before we consider your housing accommodation request.
If granted, will my housing accommodation be guarenteed?
The Disability Services Office will make every effort to provide an approved accommodation; however, housing accommodations are subject to availability.
How do you report an accessibility concern?
You can access the form via the “Information and Forms” section of the Disability Services website to report a concern.
When should you report an accessibility problem?
Report access issues such as elevators that are out of service or push buttons on doors to administrative or academic buildings that are malfunctioning. The Accessibility Report Form is intended for members of the BC community to report physical access barriers that the Disability Services Office is unaware of, and that it wishes to resolve quickly.
Who receives the report?
The Disability Services Office receives the report and will begin work to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
How are accessibility problems addressed?
The DSO staff will work with various administrative offices such as Facilities Management and Capital Planning to resolve the issue.
Will the reporting party expect a response?
Yes, if you choose to include your contact information on the form, we will get in touch once the problem has been resolved.
Disability Services Office Learning Outcomes for Students:
Students who interact with the Disability Services Office will:
- Know that the DSO is a resource and what services and accommodations are available.
- Know how to register for disability-related accommodations.
- Understand how to utilize their accommodations.
- Be able to advocate for their own accommodation needs.